Mounting guide: Optimize measurement value from Neuron Vibration RMS Sensors (Text)
This guide helps you understand how correct mounting will ensure optimal measurements and avoid pitfalls when mounting your vibration sensors.
Customer story Talgø MøreTre – Reduced downtime and significant savings for Norwegian timber company
At Talgø MøreTre, the Neuron sensors from El-Watch have enabled more efficient production, and monitoring the sensors has become a natural part of their daily routine, ensuring that the machinery is in good condition. It has saved them 300,000 – 500,000 EUR in the last 4 years.
Customer Story Alton Towers- from planned preventive schedule to predictive maintenance schedule
Neuron sensors from El-Watch allow us to look at trends over time to make an informed decision about when to take an asset out of use and replace it or refurbish it or do major interventions on a maintenance platform. We are changing our maintenance strategy to better improve the reliability on assets and lower […]
Customer Story To Rom og Kjøkken – Cold storage monitoring prevented major restaurant losses
The Fine dining restaurant To Rom og Kjøkken got off with a fright after investing in cold storage monitoring. In June 2022, they installed El-Watch temperature sensors in their refrigerators and cold rooms. Their investment paid off two months later when the alarm went off, preventing major losses.
Customer Story Elkem Thamshavn – Predictive maintenance and monitoring in harsh conditions
El-Watch’s sensors are really put to the test here at Elkem. The Thamshavn smelter is notable for performing predictive maintenance and monitoring in harsh conditions, sometimes even at extremely high temperatures. El-Watch’s solutions have safeguarded the operation and averted costly machine breakdowns at the smelter for years.
Minska elkostnaderna med sensorer i ventilationssystem (SV)
Värmeväxlaren i äldre ventilationssystem i byggnader fungerar ofta inte optimalt och resultatet kan bli att enorma mängder både el och pengar går till spillo. Med sensorer installerade i systemet övervakas centrala punkter som ger dig kontroll och överblick och du kan se till att byta ut delar som förhindrar optimal drift. Var lika smart som […]
Reduce electricity costs with sensors in ventilation systems (FI)
The heat exchanger in older ventilation systems in buildings often does not work optimally. The result can be that huge amounts of both electricity and money are wasted. With sensors installed in the system, central points are monitored. This will give you control and an overview, and you can make sure to replace parts that […]
Reducer elomkostningerne med sensorer i ventilationsanlæg (DK)
Varmeveksleren i ældre ventilationsanlæg i bygninger fungerer ofte ikke optimalt, og resultatet kan blive, at enorme mængder af både strøm og penge går til spilde. Med sensorer installeret i systemet overvåges centrale punkter, der giver dig kontrol og overblik, og du kan sørge for at udskifte dele, der forhindrer optimal drift. Vær lige så smart […]
Reduce electricity costs with sensors in ventilation systems (SWE version with ENG txt)
The heat exchanger in older ventilation systems in buildings often does not work optimally. The result can be that huge amounts of both electricity and money are wasted. With sensors installed in the system, central points are monitored. This will give you control and an overview, and you can make sure to replace parts that […]
This is El-Watch (short version)
Get to know El-Watch – who we are, what we do, why we do it, and for who. Welcome to our world of IoT sensor technology.